
Cowboys & Italy: Tuscany Store Branding

Austin Texas based, Tuscany Market & Vineyard combined an upscale market, gourmet Italian eatery, and wine bar into a single store concept. Popular Content was recruited to help build the concept’s identity and branding strategy –from the ground up. A creative and comprehensive identity and branding system helped keep the plethora of marketing touch points unified throughout store launch, and laid the foundation for a strong brand position in the Austin retail food market.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 | Categories: Branding, Design, PopularC News, Strategy, Web, Work | By Popular Content

Minneapolis Law Firm Takes Nontraditional Approach to Branding

SPS Immigration PLLC launched at the start of 2015, determined to set itself apart from the mundane look of its peers and competitors alike. The result was a non-traditional look for a Twin Cities law firm. In a practice area that can be complicated and stressful for it’s clientele, Popular Content was able to convey a sense of openness and modernity with the SPS brand.

Services provided to SPS by Popular Content include: Logo and Stationary System Design, Executive Portraiture, and Responsive and Mobile-friendly Web Site Development.


SPS Immigration logo design

SPS Business Card Design

Sarah Peterson Stensrud, SPS Immigration


Wednesday, May 6, 2015 | Categories: Branding, Design, Photography, PopularC News, Web, Work | Tagged , , , | By Popular Content

Urban Tri Steps Up Their Game With Web Redesign

Minneapolis based, triathlon gear retailer Urban Tri recently launched a new Web site with the help of Popular Content. The project included: Interface design, WordPress CMS backend for maintaining not only the Blog section – but site wide updating as well, events calendar linked to the company Google Calendar for easy updating, as well as Facebook and Twitter feed tie-ins to keep social media updates efficient and easy to manage from a single source.

Friday, July 8, 2011 | Categories: Design, PopularC News, Web, Work | Tagged , , , , | By Popular Content

Viral Video: C’motion

Viral video produced for client C’motion, Inc. in partnership with Sam Soulek of Soulseven. Services provided by Popular Content include: shooting, editing, motion graphics.

Friday, June 24, 2011 | Categories: Design, Motion, Web, Work | Tagged , , , , , | By Popular Content Web Refresh

Why ‘refresh’ instead of redesign? Existing site framework was good-to-go, C’motion needed us to overhaul their content, add some CMS-based news sections, integrate robust contact forms with automated location-based forwarding, and make updates to their home page with a simple flash animation to direct visitors to relevant content. Embedded Flash piece created in collaboration with Sam Soulek of SoulSeven.

Full site available at

Friday, June 24, 2011 | Categories: Design, Motion, Photography, Web, Work | Tagged , , , | By Popular Content